DE-BUG DIESEL BUG KILLERThe DE-BUG decontaminator is the tested andproven way to protect and rid your engine of unwanted sludgymicrobial contamination or diesel bug in your fuel.
DE-BUG is designed for diesel, heavy oil,bio-diesel and is the cost efficient and eco-friendly option.
Murky, brownish, gritty fuel and the slimy jellylike by-product of diesel bug can cause a total engine shutdown.The tell tale symptoms of blocked filters, smoky emissions andreduced power can be fixed forever with DE-BUG.
Reduction in toxic exhaust emissions byup to 50%
Fuel savings (Anecdotal savings ofbetween 2.5% to 27%)
Increased Filter life ( Test study from 2weeks to 14 months)
Safety - Reduced chance ofbreakdown
Increased injector life
Decrease in engine wear
Save on costly servicecharges
Increased engine life
Returns treated conditioned fuel back to thetank